Bottom Rim Coater

For over 60 years, Belvac has been providing the global 2-piece aluminum beverage can industry with sustainable solutions and innovative technology. Belvac’s expertise is widely recognized, with its machinery used worldwide in production lines for beverages, food, beauty, and aerosols. Belvac’s product range includes Cupping, Bodymaking, Trimming, Washing, Drying, Decorating, Bottom Rim Coating, Necking, Shaping, and inspection technology. Belvac is committed to delivering the highest performing machinery at the lowest cost of operation to its customers. With over 400 employees across ten locations worldwide, Belvac offers real-time support to its customers in over 150+ countries.
UVio has worldwide experience of producing innovative UV curing solutions for the Beverage Can industry. In particular, UVio has expertise in Bottom Rim Coating – where protective coatings are applied to the bottom rim of both steel and aluminium beverage cans. Benefits of Bottom Rim Coating For Steel: to protect the Can from corrosion after it leaves the Canmaker until it reaches the consumer. For Aluminium: to improve Can mobility and production efficiency through the manufacturing and filling lines. UVio offers a range of options from individual component supply to fully integrated systems with air-conditioned control cabinets and standalone machine controls, including everything from coating tanks to conveyors. Integrated Mass Rim Coat Systems: Our experience of installing Heraeus Noblelight UV systems into Beverage Can lines has led to our latest innovation: the Integrated Mass Rim Coater (IMRC) system. This system has been designed to optimise ease of use and minimise cost of ownership.