World of Cans
World of Cans

Inside a Can Washer for 2-Piece Aluminum Can Manufacturing

The Washer and Dry-off Oven are responsible for cleaning and preparing cans to receive coatings from the Decorator and the IC Spray Machine.  The Washer and Dry-Off process is as follows:

1. Washer Infeed: Cans approach the washer in mass, oriented with their open end down (cut-edge down).   Cans should enter the washer in a uniform width, packed as tightly as possible, minimizing voids between cans.

2. Can Washing: Cans are washed in various stages, with each stage performing a specific task including rinsing, cleaning, and applying chemicals for various purposes.   Cans are washed by spray nozzles that are located both above and below the cans.

3. Blow Offs Between Stages: Between stages there are blow offs, which remove any residual water solution from the dome of the can (which sits at the top).  Blow offs reduce the contamination of water between stages.

4. Vacuum Transfer: At the end of the Washer, before the Dry-off oven, cans go through a vacuum transfer.  The Vacuum transfer removed cans that have tipped over during the can washing process.  

5. Can Drying: Cans are dried in the Dry-off oven.  After the dry-off oven, the cans have a bright appearance, and are called "Brite Cans."

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