World of Cans
World of Cans

Coil Handling Overview

Steps in the Coil Handling Process

(1) Downender:
The Downender rotates the aluminum coil from a vertical position (as it arrives on a pallet) to a horizontal position, preparing it for loading onto the Uncoiler.

(2) Coil Car:
Once the coil is in the correct orientation, the Coil Car moves it into position and loads it onto the Uncoiler, ensuring smooth material transfer.

(3) Uncoiler:
The Uncoiler is responsible for swapping out the used coil for a new one. It ensures a seamless transition, preventing interruptions in production.

(4) Mandrel:
The Mandrel secures and rotates the coil, gradually releasing the aluminum sheet at a controlled rate to feed into the Cupper.

(5) Material Stand:
The Material Stand supports the loose coil as it enters the Cupper Infeed, ensuring the aluminum sheet remains properly aligned for blanking and drawing operations.

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