Sirack Yohannes
Sirack Yohannes
Clever Can Solutions

Cup Drop Timing and Its Impact on Bodymaker Success

This video, made in collaboration with Sirack Yohannes of Clever Can Solutions, highlights the critical role of Cup Drop Timing in ensuring the success of the Bodymaker.

Bodymakers start and stop based on line demand. Each time the Bodymaker stops, the Cup Stop is activated, preventing cups from entering the Bodymaker. When the Bodymaker restarts, the timing at which the Cup Stop is released becomes crucial.

The Bodymaker’s Cup Infeed Wheel rotates, grabbing a single cup with every stroke of the Bodymaker. If the Cup Stop is released too late, it can result in a Cup Infeed Jam, as the Cup Infeed Wheel may crush the cup due to the delayed release.

Optimal timing of the Cup Stop ensures that the first cup drops onto the Cup Infeed Wheel with enough time to move smoothly into the pocket, preventing jams and maintaining efficient production.