World of Cans
World of Cans

Warehouse Overview

This video provides an overview of the warehouse operations in a can manufacturing plant, where finished cans are stored before being shipped to customers. Proper handling and organization ensure efficiency and product protection.

Warehouse Operations

1) Forklifts Transport Finished Pallets
After leaving the Palletizer, forklifts pick up finished pallets for storage. Skilled forklift operators often carry multiple pallets at a time, improving efficiency in warehouse logistics.

2) Cans Are Organized by Label
To ensure efficient order fulfillment, cans are sorted and stored based on their label design. This system allows for easy tracking and quick retrieval when shipments are prepared.

3) Maximizing Storage Space
To make the most of available space, pallets are often stacked up to four pallets high. This high-density storage method allows for maximum capacity while maintaining safe and organized warehouse operations.

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