About International Aluminum Institute

The International Aluminium Institute (IAI) is the only body representing the global primary aluminium industry. The IAI was established in 1972. Current IAI membership includes global bauxite, alumina and aluminium companies in all the major producing regions. IAI member companies are engaged in the production of bauxite, alumina, aluminium, the recycling of aluminium, or fabrication of aluminium or as joint venture partners in such. While the Institute works closely with the national and regional aluminium associations, with which it shares many members, the associations themselves are not members of the IAI. Through the IAI, the aluminium industry aims to promote a wider understanding of its activities and to demonstrate both its responsibility in producing the metal and the potential benefits to be realised through its use in sustainable applications and recycling. Aluminium producing companies are eligible for IAI membership, which brings benefits including access to performance benchmarking data and industry trend modelling as well as the opportunity to lead and engage in global industry initiatives on issues of common interest. The work of the IAI is overseen by its Board of Directors, with each member company having a representative at senior management level, usually the chairman or CEO. The Board of Directors meets twice a year, with all members entitled to vote and representation at the Annual General Meeting.