Line Control Sensors

Sensors are a crucial component in machine control and automation, providing real-time data on can movement, position, distance, and proximity throughout the canmaking process. Ensuring smooth production flow requires precise control over cans traveling along conveyors. Sensors mounted on the conveyor help regulate buffer amounts, detect jams, and monitor speeds, optimizing production efficiency and reliability. For over 40 years, Sencon has specialized in manufacturing line control sensors tailored to the canmaking industry. Known for durability and performance, Sencon sensors feature optimized sensing fields for detecting cans on conveyors, highly stable electronics, immunity to static discharge, and rugged casings resistant to mechanical damage. These specialized features minimize downtime, reduce replacements, and enhance productivity, delivering long-term cost savings.
See the range

Line Control Sensors for Cans

Can Line Sensor
Can Line Sensor
Sencon Canline Sensors deliver precise, durable performance in canmaking, resisting static, drift, and mechanical damage for reliable operation.
Can Counting Sensor
Can Counting Sensor
Sencon Can Counting Sensors ensure precise, reliable can counts with smart unidirectional sensing, preventing duplicate counts and reducing errors.
Linear Mass Sensors
Linear Mass Sensors
Sencon Linear Mass Sensors provide precise, self-correcting speed control on can lines, optimizing machine speed and can density monitoring.
Area Mass Sensors
Area Mass Sensors
Sencon Area Mass Sensors ensure smooth, self-correcting speed control by regulating cupping press strokes and conveyor pressure based on demand.

Machine Control Sensors

Sensors are vital for machine control and automation in canmaking, providing real-time data on can movement, position, distance, and proximity. They also play a crucial role in protecting expensive tooling within production machines, ensuring smooth operations and minimizing wear. Sencon’s high-performance sensors are specifically engineered for demanding applications in canmaking equipment such as Bodymakers, printers, spray machines, and Neckers. Designed for durability and reliability, these sensors feature optimized sensing fields for precise can detection, highly stable electronics, immunity to static discharge, and rugged casings resistant to mechanical damage. These specialized features result in fewer replacements, reduced downtime, and increased productivity, delivering significant long-term cost savings.
See Portfolio

Machine Control Sensors for Cans

Cupping Press Die Protection Sensor
Cupping Press Die Protection Sensor
Sencon Die Protection Sensors ensure cups clear the die area in cupping presses, preventing damage and protecting tooling with reliable detection.
Short Can Sensor
Short Can Sensor
Sencon Short Can Sensors ensure precise short can detection in Bodymakers, protecting tooling and enhancing process control with durable, reliable design.
Can On Mandrel Sensor
Can On Mandrel Sensor
Sencon Can-on-Mandrel Sensors prevent false trips and missed blow-offs, ensuring reliable coating and decorating with a fixed 12ms pulse output.
High Performance Sensor
High Performance Sensor
These sensors are ideal for demanding control applications such as bodymakers, printers, spray machines and neckers.